Healthy eating-diet plan-best food and healthy diet

Healthy eating: diet plan, best food, healthy diet:

What we eat, that is what our body is made of.
Not only that, but our mind is also made of it. Food has three part's to it, the grossest part food is expelled as excreta. The subtle part goes to make our body, and the subtlest part goes to make the mind. What you eat will impact how you think. So we are relative, what we eat and that is why it's important to pay attention to the science of healthy diet. We may do all the YOGA, PRANA YAM, and exercise in the world. Yet if we are not careful about what we eat, good health will still elude us. Many people approach this in a very casual manner. They eat whatever gratifies the balance, and later on when they find that they are overweight on the weighing scale they go on crazy diets.
JUST THINK IT can the cucumber or the pumpkin provide your body with all the nutrients that it need. You are measuring the success of your diet by the scale and what is it revealing to you. You have lost 10 pounds but do you know where did those 10 pounds come from? You lost muscle mass and BONE  DENSITY. This is definitely not the way to go about it. We need to invest OUR TIME, ENERGY and INTELLECT in understanding. Three things what are the nutrients that our body needs.
  1. What is the nutrition in the foods that we eat?
  2. What is the process of digestion, and
  3. Assimilation by which our body extracts and utilizes the nutrition in the food. Without thinking this we transform our stomach into a GARBAGE CAN.

People take SOFT DRINK. Soft drink is a misnomer, it is not as SOFT as you think. It is what? Is there and these popular drinks 5 to 10 spoons of sugar. Imagine what it does to your body, that SOFT drink is full of ARTIFICIAL FLAVOURS, ARTIFICIAL COLOURS preservatives all of them injuring you. The carbon dioxide which you take out as a waste of the body, you take it back through the SOFT drink just to enjoy the little FIZZ, and a burst of all these SOFT drinks are highly acidic.
Maintain to good health we need to keep it ALKALINE. These SOFT drinks are at pH of 3 or 4 when you take something, which is so terribly acidic how will the body respond to it. To neutralised acid it will have to draw on the calcium reserves, the magnesium deserves. Why did we do it? just to enjoy GRATIFICATION of the taste buds on our palate. EAT TO LIVE NOT LIVE TO EAT.

So what are the new trends that our body needs

CARBOHYDRATES, PROTEINS, VITAMINS, MINERALS, FATS, ANTIOXIDANTS, all of these. The human machinery is complex it needs over 30 nutrients from the foods. Take first macronutrients CARBOHYDRATES, these are the energy sources of our body being a machine requires fuel and the primary source of that fuel is the CARBOHYDRATES.PeoPle have swung the pendulum the other way no CARBS, however, these no carb diets have proved to be failures, without that the proteins that you take are forced to do the work of CARBOHYDRATES 40% to 60% of you CALORIES must come from the CARBS,and the primary source for that is the grains. That is why grains are stapled food worldwide. Further, the body needs proteins, proteins are primarily the building blocks. The body is constantly subject to wear and tear tissues, die out new tissues are formed at their place. Cell die out they need to be regenerated this process of regeneration continues, just like a house is built from bricks our body requires those protein bricks for its building, and that is why proteins are another essential macronutrients in the foods.

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