
What is happiness and how to be happy

How to be fell happiness

What is Happiness? How to be happy in life

Happiness: The biggest belief that we will establish within ourselves is in regard to Happiness.where are we convinced we can get true Happiness? That one decision will determine the trajectory of our life. If somebody firmly believes that Happiness is in money, his entire energy, his entire effort is spent in the pursuit of earning money. If somebody believes that Happiness is in achieving prestige and fame, then that is where his entire energy goes. If somebody believes Happiness is in God, then he strives to know and love God. So, this puzzle regarding Happiness needs to be solved to put our lives in the proper course.
There was once a crow that became unhappy about his state. He thought, "I have this dark and ugly colour." "If I were a swan, I would be white-coloured and so happy!" The crow went to the swan, and said, " Mr Swan" "you must be the happiest bird!" In contrast to me, y yo have this milk-white colour.
The swan said, "Mr.crow" "I thought I should be happy until I saw the parrot." "And then I realized, I am a single coloured Bird." "He is a double-coloured bird." He is the one, who must be happy!
The crow then went on to meet the Parrot. And he said, " Mr Parrot" "you have this green colour given to you by God." "And you also have a tinge of certain places." These 2 colour of yours in contrast single dark colour. You must be feeling very Happiness! The parrot said, "I thought was happy... until I saw the peacock and the LUSCIOUS SPLATTER of colours on the peacocks tail!" That made me really HAPPINESS. The crow in his search for the secret of Happiness then continued and found a peacock. "Mr.peacock "" God has created you with great affictioaf." He has filled you tail plumes with such rich violets and indigos and greens and blues."You must be a feel really Happiness." The peacock said, " Mr.crow" "I thought I should be happy, but because of all those colours, I was put into the ZOO." If I didn't have such attractive colours, then I would have been a free bird! The crow then realized nobody seems to be fell Happiness. So what then is the secret of Happiness?

According to our VEDAS, SHASTRA, BIBLE- there is one kind of Happiness that degraddes you. If you run after it, it pulls you down. And there is another kind of Happiness that uplifts you.
The first kind of Happiness is called PREYA. And the second kind of Happiness is called SHREYA. The KATHOPANISHAD states if you run after SHREYA, your life will become auspicious and blessed. If you run after PREYA, it will be a pathway to hell.

What is PREYA? And what is SHREYA? PREYA is that Happiness, which seems to be extremely sweet right now. But later on, it turns bitter like poison. Like for example, if you choose to have a third helping of the ice cream to satiate the taste buds of the palate, it is sweet no doubt! But later on, after a few years, when your cholesterol has started increasing and the arteries have started getting clogged, you realize, "oh my God, this is the cause of untold suffering!" On the other hand, SHREYA is Happiness, which is bitter right now. But later on, it becomes very sweet. Like for example, if you have to get up in the morning, and spend 40 mins, doing your YOGASANS. It is not so pleasing to the mind. However, it bestows you good health and a comfortable long life. So SHREYA seems to be bitter in the present. And that is why the mind seeks to run swaa from it. This is the engima of life. Things that are beneficial are often difficult! And things that are enjoyable in the present are often harmful.

The student who runs after immediate Happiness will have to reject knowledge, and one who is a student the seeker of knowledge will have to reject immediate Happiness. Similarly, in life, good things always lie upstream. In other words, to reach them we need to embrace DISCIPLINE, AUSTERITY, HARDSHIP and the mind rebels against it. When we choose Happiness in the wrong place, that becomes the course of our miseries. Hence, with our intellect, we need to analyze and understand and where is real Happiness that will satisfy me.
The Happiness that you experienced was merely the satiation of the desire. The pain that the desire created was eliminated, and you are thinking," I am happy!"

The real Happiness is in GOD. The Taittiriya Upanishad states that he is Ocean Happiness. And upon reaching him, we will become truly happy. So how will we reach GOD? VERY SIMPLE!
When we clean our hearts. When we purify our mind. In other words, REAL HAPPINESS will only be experienced by growing from within- by becoming a better person from inside. If we can understand this one important point, then rather than running around for external enhancement, we will give a priority in our life for internal growth. Think about it!
Many of you may be in your 40s or 50s. You have been running for external progress for so many lifetimes. What priority have you accorded in our life for inner growth? And because that inner growth has not taken place, the external progress is not leading to fulfilment.

Now reverse the priority. Give more importance to the inner victories. Make its primary value in life to become a better person. And the better we become from the inside, the closer we will find we are to genuine Happiness that satisfied the soul.
So let us establish this firm conviction within ourselves that to be happy it's not that we need a TREMENDOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY, or fame, or titles, or houses etc. All we need is to become better people. When that is our conviction, when that is our faith and our belief, then the trajectory of our life will be AUSPICIOUS, WILL BE BENEFICIAL, WILL BE UPLIFTING, WILL BE SUBLIME.

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