The best health tips with healthy eating


The best health tips with healthy eating

  The best health tips with healthy eating

Health tips with healthy eating: You all know of Pavlov's experiment, where he conditioned a dog, whereby the mere ringing of a bell caused the dog to salivate. The ringing of the bell caused the mind to change its state in the dog. And the change of state caused the dog to salivate. So right here you have the mind and the body Connections. We also see that people's appearances change based on their state of mind. And that is who you look at somebody and say, "why are you looking so down today?"The person's thought processes have impacted the appearance. Or you say, "oh, y yo seem so jolly today."So again the thought has a connection with the mind. If that is the case, why should there not be a similarly strong and deep connection between the mind and the bodily organs?
There was a study conducted in 1950 by Dr. 
Stewart Wolf. He used Ipecac. Ipecac is a drug that causes vomiting. He conducted this study on ladies who are pregnant.
Now, naturally, in the first few months of pregnancy, there is a tendency to vomit. And to measure this tendency, he made them swallow little balloons so that the contraction which causes the vomiting, could be actually measured. Now when patients come to him, complaining of symptoms of vomiting Dr.Stewart gave them Ipecac. And sure enough, the vomiting increased. Then he said, "Now I have got a wondered drug that has just come out. It has just been tested. It has been miraculous control over vomiting, and I am going to give this to you."And when he would give it to them, their symptoms of vomiting would vanish for the night. Next morning again they would reappear.
So when I read this, since I am not trained in the medical profession, I said let me research this- what causes vomiting? And according to the notes, it is primarily caused by the brain. The brain receives varieties of signals, but it is the vomiting centre in the brain that causes vomiting. And hence, very naturally there is a strong connection between the state of mind and the tendency to vomit.
So the placebo effect-the same Ipecac when administered with this message that it's a vomit controlling drug, causes the symptoms to vanish.

One study that was conducted in 1981 in Kiribati, which was previously called Gilbert island. Here the spinal tap was researched. Now, a spinal tap is -you put an injection in the spine, and extract a bit of the spinal fluid. So sometimes it leads to headaches. Now they discovered that 1 out of 11 people experience headaches after the spinal tap. And this particular sample group, it was ingrained in them, look, we are doing this procedure on you. And there is a very chance that you could get a headache. Now they found that 7 out of 15 people got the headache. So, this was the reverse of remembered wellness, it is remembered illness. A very very common phenomenon is white collar hypertension. The mind making the body sick. This is the mind-body Connection

  • Identify the problems of our mind

The mind has many afflictions. The mind has got a whole lot of affliction, anger greed, more and more desires, hatred. We do not seem the diseases. They are called 'mind ailment'.Here' come the solutions is we have to learn tricks, how to control our mind from anger, greed, over desires, hatred,
ego and other relevant things.


There are foods in the modified Orange what are these. These are foods that are dry, Stale, Rancid, Putrefied, Intoxicating. And all kind of nonvegetarian foods, meat, fish, egg are all classified in this category. When we eat them they increase the darkness of the soul. The human body was designed to be herbivorous. Carnivorous animals have very small intestines because meat beautifies rapidly hence it needs to be expelled quickly from the body. The Carnivorous animal's intestines are about three times the body length. The human intestines are about ten times the body length when meat remains in the body for that long, it causes disease that is why medical science will tell us, that meat eaters have a 200% greater risk of catching cancer in comparison to the non-meat eaters.
So what are the vegetarian sources of proteins? The dowels, lentils, pulses, and beans and dairy product. These lentils are the rich and nutritious source of proteins, if you take a solid bowl of dal for lunch and for dinner, and take sufficient dairy in the morning and yoghurt, in lunch you will get your protein requirements. Proteins are also present in dry fruits, another good group of foods, dry fruits have alongside with proteins good fats and minerals. The third macronutrient our body needs is fats. Fats are much maligned nowadays. Medical science criticized it so much that people went off fats until medical science corrected itself and said No No No, it's highly necessary nowadays in diabetic workshops. Diabetic patients are being educated that look you need 30% of your calories from fats. A scientist is now realizing that our brain is made from saturated fats. So we do need a limited amount of fats in the diet.30% of the calories and 1 gm of fat creates 9 calories,that means you need an average of about 70 to 80 grams of fats, half of that is present in the foods you eat half you need from an external source, which is your cooking medium and butter etc. Saturated fats to a very limited extent, if they go beyond they can increase the bad cholesterol, that leads to the clogging of the arteries the unsaturated fats do a little higher extent if they go too high they'll get deposited in the body, so in a proper proportion if we take fats. They are highly beneficial and absolutely essential for the body. Besides that our body needs micronutrients nutrients which are required in a trace amount these are the vitamins and the minerals. The rich source for these is fruits and vegetables.
While taking healthy eating vegetables to remember to keep the vitamins intact if you cut them for the week and put them in the fridge then you are not cooking them wisely because the vitamins will evaporate if you overcook them in the pot and let all the water evaporate the vitamins go away along with the water. So keep the vitamins in the vegetables also have enzymes, that help you digest the dolls along with the vitamins. Their vitamins and minerals are also richly present in the fruits. The fruits are such a food group that are voluminous they don't need to be cooked, they clean your digestive tract, take them separately as a snack apart from the main meal. The fruits will provide two more additional health tips.
They will help keep your body ALKALINE.
Even the citrus fruits where any food is digested after digestion and ash remain. The ash of grains and dolls is the ash of fruits is ALKALINE. Plus fruits contain antioxidants that neutralize the small proportion of oxygen molecules with a charge on them to prevent disease in the body. So fruits, particularly the dark fruits, are rich in antioxidants.

1 comment:

Samir Roy said...

This is awesome article for our health related.

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