Diabetes diabetic diet

The best diabetic diet for diabetes patients

The best diabetic diet for diabetes patients

Do you suffering from Diabetes???

The best diabetic diet for diabetes patients:
  • Green tea- This tea is unfermented and hence has high POLY PHENYL content, which has strong antioxidant and hypoglycemic effects.The POLY PHENYL health in controlled release of blood sugars.
  • Cinnamon water- It is an effective way of treating DIABETES at home. Drinking CINNAMON with warm water or on an empty stomach helps increase the metabolism.
  • Drumstick leaves the fibre content in them increases the feeling of satisfaction, and slows the breakdown of food.

  • Almonds eating soaked- Almonds every day in the morning also helps keep DIABETES in check.
  • Mathe- Mathe overnight soaked the seeds are considered a very effective remedy.
  • Tomato- Tomato juice with salt and pepper on an empty stomach every morning also helps in controlling DIABETES.
  • High fibre vegetables- Such as BROCCOLI, BEANS, SPINACH, PEAS, and leafy vegetables should definitely be included in DIABETIC DIET. Fibre can help you feel full and satisfied and may help regulate the blood sugar levels. Since people with DIABETES are at double the risk for CARDIOVASCULAR complications. Fibres have the ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels is a great way to improve heart health.
  • Pulses- Pulses should be considered an important part of the daily DIET in DIABETIC people. The carbs impulses do not affect the blood like other carbs sources. Pulses are a very rich source of protein.
  • Fruits- many people believe that DIABETIC people should not consume fruits as they are sweet in nature, though that is true but not for all fruits. Some fruits like mangoes, grapes and banana contain high sugar and should be avoided, but fruits like papaya, pear, apple, guava, orange are high in fibre and can be consumed.

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