what is tension headache-headache meaning-types of headache

what is tension headache | headache meaning | types of headache
What is Tension Headache?
 Tension Headache: is a headache lasts anywhere from thirty minutes to seven days it's usually on both sides of the head not severe. Some mild to moderate and intensity not aggravated by physical activity, and usually as a pressing or tightening quality to it. It doesn't have any associated nausea or vomiting and if present there's usually only one of lighter sound sensitivity. Oftentimes it's described in terms of what migraine is not so, it's not one-sided, it's not pulsating or throbbing, it's not severe and not aggravated by a movement headaches. Especially Tension Headaches are a very common anxiety symptom and for some of us they can be pretty damn. I had to deal with on an almost daily basis, but they freaked me out because of my health anxiety. Here I have explained the connection between Stress and be Stressful Tension Headaches. First of all, it is important to know that Stress is actually the number. One reason for headaches as we with anxiety issues are under tremendous amounts of Stress almost throughout the day. It is no wonder that so many of us suffer from all kinds of headaches. Tension Headache is most commonly described as a dull pain that causes pressure in your hand. This pain can be affecting a very specific area, like your neck and the back of your head, the forehead or even just behind your eyes, or it can be a very general pain like the skull is being squeezed tightly, and some people even describe it as having a tight band around their head. In most cases, Tension Headaches are light - whether in pain and a more of an uncomfortable feeling and some sort of unbearable pain. But for us anxiety sufferers the main issue is the frequency was that, these headaches occur and how they interfere with our day-to-day lives and probably more important is how we perceive and process them in our minds. People with anxiety issues such as general anxiety disorder are under stress 24/7. This causes the body to send out Stress hormones which then triggers the body's ancient emergency reaction called the fight-or-flight response. These Tension Headaches are often caused by tight shoulder and neck muscles especially from a group of muscles that are located at the base of the skull. So when these muscles remain tense where for a long period of time, they can become painful and then will cause a headache also through Tension. In these muscles, our nerve exiting to the base of the skull can be compressed which then causes adult pain. In most of us anxiety sufferers it is equally important to know that, the body's fight or flight response not only changes our physical body state but switches our mind into high alert mode. It does this so, we can as quickly as possible receive information from the outside world and process them instantly, and then act on this information. Because this stress response is a very ancient reaction where time was of the essence of survival. This processing is almost done automatically without us having too much control over. It what back in the day was so helpful for a well being is in today's world mostly unnecessary and even hindering, because the fight-or-flight response does not differentiate between Stress from an actual threat or threat from a day-to-day struggle. It will trigger the response when a certain threshold is broken. So now imagine yourself sitting in your office chair highly stressed and feel a headache coming on your body and mind. We're going to fight-or-flight mode, but without seeing any actual danger around you, you're highly sensitive and alert of mind needs to find some reasoning behind. why you are feeling the way you do and then BOOM sounds like I'm having a stroke or god this would very well be cancer come on because the mind is an auto mode. It forces yourself to find devastating reasons for the way you feel because a tight deadline at work doesn't seem like a plausible explanation for all this. At the end of the day, you're highly sensitive mind plus. The Prolonged and frequent headaches will turn into a worry in itself because without having much knowledge about what anxiety can do to you it is very difficult to believe that stress alone can cause such symptoms. It is essential to reduce stress in general, but I would say for this specific symptom, What helped me the most was regular exercise. I've made it a habit to go to the gym at least three times a week. It's gaining my muscles with the big compound movements. your muscles will become stronger and more resilient to Tension plus successfully implementing. A strict workout routine will give you a huge ego boost, which I believe is one of the most important aspects of anxiety recovery. Another tip I can strongly recommend is that when you feel Tention just go out for a short run. I can almost guarantee that just after 10 to 20 minutes your muscles will be more relaxed. The Stress Hormones in your body vanished and the Tension Headache has disappeared. 

Headache meaning

HEADACHE MEANING:Hedvig vascular, headache vascular a group of headaches felt to involve abnormal sensitivity of the blood vessels arteries in the brain to various triggers, resulting in rapid changes in the artery size due to spasm constriction other arteries in the brain and scalp then opened down late and throbbing pain is perceived in the head. Migraine headaches are the most common type of vascular headache see also Migraine Headache head2head a see you all are headache vascular.

How many types of Headache?

There are 5 types of Headache: Is there anyone in the world who has never had a headache?  We've put together a detailed guide to help you identify five types of Headache and the best ways to get rid of them. Tension Headache, this is the most frequent type of headache in the world. (which is already mentioned in the above article) Everyone has experienced that, at least once in their life here are the main symptoms Tension Headache. Often cause of pressure that feels like you're wearing a tight band around your forehead. You might feel severe tension and spasms around your eyes and upper forehead.  Most often, the intensity of the pain increases from morning to evening. What causes this headache? The main factors that, seem to contribute to Tension Headache square measure severe stress fatigue poor posture, associate in Nursing holding the pinnacle in an improper position for a long time chronic. Tension Headache is rare and often are associated with head or neck injuries. How to get rid of it? You can take any appropriate Painkiller, but you should only use them occasionally. If headaches occur oftentimes and last for an extended time consult your doctor additionally try and be physically active stretch your shoulders and neck regularly and spend more time outdoors.  Eric this type of headache is caused by sinusitis. It is often accompanied by fever, facial swelling and tension in the Forehead and Cheekbone. Here are the main symptoms, you'll feel a deep pressure and pain in your forehead around the eyebrows and under the eyes. The pain usually gets stronger. When you move your head sharply this headache might also lead to a running or blocked nose, you might feel tired and weak. Sinus Headaches are caused by Sinusitis. They are also a common complication after a cold or during a seasonal allergy. Keep in mind that, Sinus Headaches rarely go away on their own. If you have an allergy antihistamine may help in other cases. It is best to see a doctor who will most probably prescribe anti. On my grave, a migraine is often associated with a violation of the metabolic processes and a dilation of blood vessels in the brain, a person may also inherit the ability to get a migraine. All symptoms of the severe headache occur during a migraine attack, that progresses through four main stages. The first is progress it lasts for one to two days you feel irritable fatigued and has an increased or decreased appetite. The second stage aura it usually lasts up to 30 minutes, he becomes sensitive to light feel tingling and numbness and might have speech disorders. The third one resolution might last up to 24 hours, you feel fatigued and have trouble concentrating on the daily town.  Last stage, the headache itself might last up to 72 hours during which you feel severe throbbing pain. Unfortunately, there's no cure for migraine, although a number of treatments are available to help ease the symptoms, you need to see your doctor to choose the right one. Moreover, regular exercise will help you improve your health significantly Cluster Headache. Cluster Headaches are rare affecting less than 1% of the population, they are five times more common in males than females, it's hardly possible to confuse this headache was another one. A cluster headache may cause a stabbing pain behind or around your eyes usually on one side of your head it frequently develops during sleep, the pain usually lasts from 15 minutes to an hour. Symptoms might include redness of the eyes, sensitivity to light and lacrimation scientists don't know exactly what causes cluster headaches. These types of  Headaches are most often linked to disruptions within the body's mechanism treating. It will be tough as a result of the pain appears and disappears spontaneously and at a moment's notice only a doctor can help you solve this problem hangover. Why people often have these types of Headache after drinking alcohol? One of them suggests that alcohol causes Vessel dilation and affects 5-hydroxytryptamine level.  If you have these types of Headache after consuming even a small amount of alcohol, it may indicate that you're suffering from a mild form of migraine. We hope you never experienced any of these headaches, but if you get one of them it's better to consult a doctor.

what is hypoglycemia and it's causes and effect and best treatment in emergency

what is hypoglycemia | it's causes| effect and best treatment in emergency

What is Hypoglycemia? It's causes, effect and best treatment in Emergency.

If you have insulin-treated diabetes we should talk about hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when your blood sugar falls too low. Some of the most common signs and usually the first symptoms of Hypoglycemia are shaking, racing heart, sweating anxiety, and hunger to understand why these symptoms occur. We have to talk about your liver, there are two ways your body gets the sugar it needs for energy. One you eat foods that contain Carbohydrate to your liver makes sugar. When your blood sugar falls too low your body releases Hormones, like Glucagon and Epinephrine. Which is also known as Adrenaline Glucagon, and Epinephrine. Tell your liver to release the sugar it has stored, and to start making new sugar. You also release Epinephrine or adrenaline during stressful or scary situations. So that's why some of the early symptoms of Hypoglycemia like sweats a racing heart and anxiety are similar to how you would feel if you are being chased by a bear. The second type of symptoms happens when your blood sugar falls low enough that, your brain is no longer getting enough sugar for fuel. These later symptoms might include difficulty concentrating, confusion, weakness, vision changes, and difficulty speaking. What causes Hypoglycemia? You can think about your blood sugar as a scale on one side. You have Carbohydrate bringing your blood sugar up and on the other side you have things like insulin exercise or alcohol bringing your blood sugar down. If the scale is tipped too much in one direction, your sugar will be too high and if it is tipped too much in the opposite direction your sugar will be too low. So how can you avoid Hypoglycemia? Well, you need to balance the scale. For example, you need to match the amount of insulin you are taking with the amount of Carbohydrate you are eating, or if you are exercising, you either need to eat more Carbohydrate or take less insulin. What should you do if you have symptoms of Hypoglycemia test your blood sugar to see if it is low? If it low consumes a source of fast-acting sugar like sugar juice, regular pop, or dextrose tablets. Most people need around 15 grams of glucose to treat mild or moderate Hypoglycemia in about 15 minutes. Check to make sure your blood sugar has gone back up. If it hasn't then taken another 15 grams of glucose, if you are not planning to eat within the next hour have a starchy snack, like three plain cookies, crackers and cheese or an apple. Hypoglycemia is likely to happen sometimes, When you have insulin-treated diabetes try to plan ahead to prevent it, and just in case carry a fast-acting sugar with you to treat it. If it does happen always take the symptoms of Hypoglycemia seriously if your blood sugar gets very low it can cause you to pass out or have a seizure, and it can even be fatal. If you have more than two or three low blood sugars in a week, if you have a low sugar that needs the help of someone else or if you stop feeling the symptoms of low blood sugar talk to your diabetes team. They'll help you with your diabetes management so that you can continue to do the things you enjoy.

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar level is one of the commonly found conditions in people Diabetes. Hypoglycemia can be defined as a blood sugar level below 70mg/dl. It can occur in any person with diabetes, who is on insulin or blood sugar lowering medications. Let's look at some common causes of Hypoglycemia. Excess insulin dose or medication is one of the most common causes of Hypoglycemia. Not eating enough or not eating at the proper time, skipping or delaying meals, not eating enough after consuming Alcohol and some other reasons. Unplanned or Excessive exercise may also lead to Hypoglycemia. Now, what are the symptoms of Hypoglycemia? According to the type of Hypoglycemia, the symptoms can change.MILD Hypoglycemia gives symptoms like Headache, Shaking, Pounding Heartbeats, Sweating, Tiredness, Dizziness, Blurred vision, Drowsiness or Tingling sensation around mouth or lips.MILD Hypoglycemia can be managed easily. Moderate Hypoglycemia gives symptoms like Personality change, Confusion, Poor coordination, Difficulty in Concentrating, Slurred speech. This type of Hypoglycemia can be managed, but it requires immediate attention. The third type, severe Hypoglycemia leads to Comma or Seizures. Severe Hypoglycemia requires emergency treatment. The patient needs to be hospitalized for the management of severe Hypoglycemia. Now how to detect Hypoglycemia?THAT is very simple. Based on symptoms and by checking your blood sugar level, immediately after the symptoms will give you an idea of whether you are suffering from Hypoglycemia. The other indication of Hypoglycemia is when blood sugar increases, the symptoms disappear. How to treat Hypoglycemia? Remember early recognition and appropriate treatment is the key to manage and treat Hypoglycemia. The rule of 15 is a very helpful way to remember the treatment. Rule of 15 says, we have to eat 15 grams of fast-acting Carbohydrates after the episode of Hypoglycemia.15 grams of Carbohydrates may include, 15 grams of glucose powder or powdered sugar. One tablespoon of Honey or Jam.Half a glass of juice or Soft drink. You can have one of the above options immediately after the episode of Hypoglycemia. Then we have to wait for 15 minutes and recheck your blood sugar level. If the blood sugar level is above 70, you are supposed to have a light snack to prevent further episodes of Hypoglycemia. If blood sugar level is below70, then you have to repeat 15 grams of CARBS and wait for another 15 minutes. You have to recheck your blood sugar to ensure whether your blood sugar level is above 70. The treatment of Hypoglycemia should always be followed by some investigation. As to why Hypoglycemia occurred and what could be done to prevent its further occurrence.

 The first step to take of a Diabetic Emergency 

I'm here to talk a little bit about what you can do during a Diabetic Emergency. A Diabetic Emergency is something that's going wrong with the body in relation to the sugar content, whether there's too much sugar, not enough sugar or maybe there's sugar that can be utilized by the body very well. So you have a high and a low sugar emergency, sometimes they can present very similar. The biggest difference is with your low sugar Emergencies or Hypoglycemia, that's typically gonna
be a very fast onset for those individuals. For some reason they don't have enough sugar, that can be used in their body and your brain. And your body requires two things oxygen and sugar to make sure that they stay alive, so if you take one of those two away. We have a lot of problems very quickly if you recognize someone that's having a low sugar Emergency and that could be they'll have slurred speech almost sometimes looking like a stroke. But they won't have a weakness on one side,
it'll typically be both sides. Sometimes it can be very violent and combative as well and that's because of the irritability to the brain for lack of sugar. Sometimes they'll be unconscious, if they are conscious and they can swallow and if you can give them some kind of a sugar type substance, that can be any kind of a sweet drink. You want to make sure they drink it slowly maybe with a straw. You don't want to give them anything that's diet, because obviously there are no true sugar and diet drinks. It's all some kind of a false sugar which isn't gonna do them any good if for some reason they can't swallow or you don't think they can drink you definitely, don't want to try to put them in anything in their mouth by yourself, because we try to pour something in there they could choke and aspirate and have more problems from that. So if you can't give them more sugar substitute then you need to go ahead and make sure that mountain ones on the way for high sugar problems or Hyperglycemia. It's a little bit different there's not a whole lot, you can do as far as the layperson to treat that they need insulin or some other things to help take care of that problem usually. That's gonna take hours or some days to present itself. The biggest thing is to try to talk to these people. If you can and find out they have a history of sugar problems. So that a better guide which you need to do this is cheap and I hope we've helped you identify and begin initial basic steps of treating sugar or Diabetic Emergencies 

diabetes mellitus treatment and diabetes causes-reasons-treatment

diabetes mellitus treatment |diabetes causes-reasons-treatment


Diabetes Mellitus is a condition where the blood sugar level is too high. After you eat foods that contain carbohydrates chemicals in your small intestine break them down into single sugar molecules, known as an aldohexose. Next, the cells lining your bowel absorb the glucose which passes into the bloodstream. When the blood reaches your pancreas, beta cells inside the pancreas detect the rising glucose levels to reduce the glucose level. Your beta cells release insulin into your bloodstream. As the blood circulates through your body, the insulin and glucose exit the bloodstream into your tissues to reach your body's cells. Most cells of the body have certain receptors on their surface, that bind to the circulating insulin. Insulin acts like a key in a lock to open up the cell. So that the circulating glucose can get inside the cell. Now your cell can use the glucose to produce the energy. It needs to function properly. If you have DIABETES MELLITUS either your pancreas does not produce enough insulin or your body's cells resist its effects or both if you have. Insulin resistance your insulin cannot unlock the cells to let glucose in because the locks called receptors are abnormal or missing. As a result, glucose is locked out of your cells consequently. The number of monosaccharose builds up in your blood, in a condition called hyperglycemia to compensate for hyperglycemia. Your pancreas produces more and more insulin. Your overworked beta cells attempt to sustain the demand. However bit by bit lose their ability to produce enough insulin due to hyperglycemia, and the lack of insulin you may expertise the subsequent classic symptoms of a polygenic disease, excessive hunger, excessive thirst. Enhanced piss volume and unexplained weight loss symptoms of the sort a pair of the polygenic disease might seem over time embraced. Weight loss symptoms of  DIABETES MELLITUS, that may appear over time include fatigue recurrent infections. Changes in vision itching, and tingling or prickling sensations in your skin. Life-threatening complications of  DIABETES MELLITUS include diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome, and hypoglycemia. If you don't receive treatment for hyperglycemia diabetic ketoacidosis can result. Because you no longer have enough insulin circulating in your blood, your cells can't get the glucose they need to produce energy. As a result, your body turns to fats, and proteins as an alternative source of energy during the fat breakdown process. Certain byproducts known as ketone bodies accumulate in your blood resulting in a condition called ketosis. If ketones build-up to dangerously high levels in your bloodstream, you may develop diabetic ketoacidosis or DKA, Which can lead to coma and death. Another complication resulting from failure to treat hyperglycemia is called hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome or hins. As the insulin deficiency continues your blood glucose level increases, in response your kidneys filter excess aldohexose out of the blood into water. At the side of massive amounts of water unless you consume massive amounts of water. Your kidneys cannot keep large amounts of water. Your kidneys cannot keep up with the demand of removing the glucose from your bloodstream and diluting it sufficiently in urine. As a result, your blood becomes much more concentrated than normal a condition called hyperosmolarity. Hyperosmolarity pulls water out of your body tissues into your bloodstream, causing severe dehydration which may lead to the hyperosmolar hyperglycemic nonketotic syndrome. Neurological symptoms such as seizures and coma will occur. If you are taking an associate excessive dose of DIABETIC MELLITUS medication you will experience an acute complication, called hypoglycemia or insulin shock, excessive insulin or oral hypoglycemic medication causes too. Much aldohexose to travel into cells feat a low quantity in your blood.  Organs like the brain would like a relentless energy offer to perform properly. As a result of the instant energy supply to function properly, because the brain's primary source of energy is glucose. It is the first organ affected by lower glucose levels. When your brain cells called neurons are starved for glucose, they start to malfunction causing symptoms such as nervousness shakiness and confusion. If your glucose level continues to drop the electrical activity of your neurons diminishes significantly resulting in seizures or diabetic coma over time chronic poorly controlled. DIABETES MELLITUS can cause degenerative tissue damage resulting in long-term complications, such as atherosclerosis blindness neuropathy and renal failure. To avoid the complications of DIABETES MELLITUS,  you can take steps to keep your glucose level within a normal range using a combination of blood glucose monitoring a healthy diet, regular exercise, and medications as necessary. You will need to check the level of glucose in your blood frequently with a glucometer to do this. You will prick your finger with a small needle called a Lancet and place a drop of blood on the strip, attached to the glucometer. Based on your blood glucose level you may need to adjust your meals, physical activity, or medication. A healthy diet can facilitate to lower your aldohexose level. After you eat a diet wealthy in fruits, vegetables and whole grains have meals, and snacks. Whole grains have meals and snacks about the same time, every day consume the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minimize your intake of high sugar foods getting regular exercise. Even just 30 minutes a day will lower your blood glucose level, decrease insulin resistance, and will cause weight loss. You'll get to take one or a lot of DIABETES MELLITUS medications to assist lower glucose. A number of these medications increase endocrine production in your pancreas, others decrease insulin resistance in your skeletal muscles. Some DIABETES MELLITUS treatments increase insulin sensitivity in certain tissues, others promote a slight decrease in absorption of glucose in your digestive system. If your DIABETES MELLITUS cannot be controlled with diet exercise and oral medications, your doctor may prescribe insulin and train you to inject it. Just under your skin by treating and controlling your blood glucose level, you may prevent the occurrence of complications from DIABETES MELLITUS. 

Willpower and self control for success

Willpower and self control for success

Willpower and self-control for success in life

Willpower and self-control for success: Anything worthy of achieving in life always lies upstream to reach it requires effort, discipline and self-control. If anyone promises you that, just take it easy apply the scream on your face and you'll wipe out twenty years from your looks. You spent two hours a day on the internet, and you will earn two hundred thousand dollars a year. I just wait for that lottery to open for you. That should not be believed, as they say, the person who waits for the jackpot is a crackpot. We need to utilize the proper path to success which is based upon practice, discipline, and slow growth. So the one quality that is essential for success in any aspect of human endeavour is willpower or self-control, and unfortunately, this is also the one quality that people find they are deficient in a survey was done asking people. What they felt were their strengths someone said, interpersonal relationships someone said, logical thinking and so on. Nobody named self-control and willpower as their virtue subsequently. When they were asked what virtue do you feel? You are deficient in invariably people felt, that they did not possess enough. Self-control and that relates to the inability to follow diets, the inability for daily exercise, the inability to focus, the mind on the task at hand, the inability to bring out our best in the work. That we do each of these endeavours is based upon that one quality of self-control in modern day living. That test of self-control is even more severe our ancestors. A few centuries ago, were probably not tested as much as us 90% of them were leading an agrarian life. So after a hard day of work in the field when they came back, probably the only self-control required was in regard to the bottle. But today on the click of a mouse, even while doing your work in the office you can take your mind away distracting it from the work. At hand and that is why he self-control has become such a big challenge.

Many decades ago a scientist called Walter Michel, conducted an experiment in Stanford. This experiment was called the toddler's torture, he tested the willpower of toddlers. Now how do you test a toddler's self-control? You cannot say okay you do this and five years down the line you will achieve these rewards. So he set up his test very simply, he put a marshmallow in front of the toddler and said my child if you like enjoy it, but if you hold on for twenty minutes, you will get two marshmallows. There is a reward for self-control 500. Toddlers were tested by the researchers for some of them, it was a no-go the moment. The researchers turned their backs, that toddlers reached out and put the marshmallow. Enjoy while you can who cares about the future, some of them contemplated the dilemma for two minutes but then gave him some toddlers held on for seven to eight minutes and it was very interesting. How they distracted themselves? Squirming looking the other way but finally, they gave in and some toddlers held on for the full 20 minutes to receive the additional reward. In the end, now an interesting thing happened, subsequently Walter Michel's gutters were a part of the survey, and as they grew up the other children grew up with them. The daughters went to Stanford college and that was when Michel got a chance to see, how these toddlers are faring in life. He was amazed to see, that self-control of the toddler, correlated to success in every sphere. Those toddlers who had displayed the highest self-control had far higher SAT scores. They were far better students, they had fewer anger problems. They were free from vices, they were more sincere in their work. They had better health less weight, and so on and those toddlers who lacked the most in self-control had developed vices. They were overweight, they had relational problems, and so many of them had gotten convicted been to prison and come out of it. That was when it was highlighted, that self-control is such an important virtue for human life.

So let us delve further into it where does this ability come from. Whenever we engage in any physical or mental work, our brain fires of neurons in different regions. The cortex, the neocortex, the sensory motor region overall the human brain is far more developed than the brain of the creatures. But there is one distinguishing aspect to it, and that is the prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal lobes of the neocortex this gives us humans the ability to trump the lower desires to do things. That is beneficial even though they may be hard, the prefrontal cortex enables us to desist from the pleasure that is harmful. As somebody said, what prevents us from reaching our highest goal is not difficulties along the path, but an easier path to the lower goal and thus prefrontal cortex gives us three abilities in us humans. 
  1.   I want it enables us to keep sight of what superior goals are.
  2.   I want it enables us to not do the things that would distract us.
  3.   I will it empowers us to do things that entail austerity that until discipline.

That discipline comes from this prefrontal cortex. Now the good news is that this willpower is very much like a muscle, and like a muscle, it tends to get exhausted with use. Some researchers conducted an experiment half the students in the simple survey were taken to a room, where they were radishes and hot cookies cooked in butter. But they were instructed, you will not eat the cookie, you will eat this bland radish, and the other group of students were allowed to face to their heart's content. On the cookies subsequently, their Willpower was checked. How is the willpower checked? One standard test is you give them a solvable puzzle, but they do not know it's a solvable puzzle, and they keep on trying until the willpower says enough. This group that had its willpower tested seemed to have gotten drained, and they gave up in the tests within eight minutes. The other group that had feasted to its heart's content continued for an average of 20 minutes. So willpower is like a muscle that tires out and that is why you will observe that your willpower is the highest in the morning. That is the time to do tasks that are difficult, that require, the engagement of the brain. For example writing, spiritual, practice meditation, etc. And then through the day, the willpower wins out, and often in the evening, people find that they are willpower failures. That is why, if in a household both the husband and wife are working in the evening. It is often found that they start fighting with each other because while working they drained out their willpower. They were engaging their mind in a task, that the mind did not enjoy and that is why by the time. They came home they did not have the ability to tolerate to be patient and the conflagration point was very low. However, just like the muscles willpower can also be developed. This is the nature of this brain, if you apply it to math problems, again and again, it becomes better at them. If somebody engages in juggling that portion of the brain, which is engaged in juggling tends to develop. And similarly, we can develop our willpower by exerting it. So a few willpower exercises simple exercises, for example, the body says you need to scratch but you desist. I will not now it may seem like a small thing. But if you do it you will discover that the willpower has started increasing, and an even more powerful way of developing the willpower what is that meditation. What happens in meditation, you sit down to meditate, I will think of God or whatever is the object of your meditation, and the mind says no I don't enjoy this. I would rather think of so-and-so, now the intellect controls the mind come back here. So every time the mind wants to wander off, you pull the mind back by exerting the muscle of self-control. What is the consequence in three hours of meditation? You will find that your willpower has jumped many rungs. Try it and do it and it is not even necessary that you succeed in your meditation, because even if you are not succeeding, you are still exerting your willpower. You are every time practising that, focus that, concentration is an application of your self-control and self-control developed in one area of life. Will stand you in good stead in all the other areas. So endeavour to enhance this muscle of willpower through practices. Such as meditation and even after such practice it is possible that you may find you are still a willpower failure. What do you do than tap into another power that God has given us? What is that power? This is the Y power.

How to control mind

How to control mind


Now forgetting the entire world let's focus our attention on the art, how to control minds? We all wish to succeed in life, that means we wish to feel good, we wish to be able to think well, we wish to be able to do good. Then we must know how to control the mind. How it works? This is the universal common need because life has been created by God. Hence life is sacred all of us has tiny parts of God, wish to be perfect like he is perfect. How to control the mind for that kind of success?Some people have a lot and yet they fail miserably, some people have very little and yet they lead rich and successful lives. I will give you one instance of either case so that we can draw conclusions from it first. The first kind of typical example I came across was of Elvis Presley.He was the icon of a generation, he was called the king of rock, and roll or more simply the king.He has blessed with exceptionally good looks a golden voice as a result of it. He became super celebrity, he had amazing wealth exceedingly popular and he had what was his life. Here's a description of an average day of Elvis Presley, during his last four years have performed on the stage. When he would return, he would tell his retinue of servants, give me the first hit. They would give him in a paper different coloured crystals of different barbecue rates, and they would give him a shot of drugs under his shoulder blade then a race would begin. How much he could eat and drink before he fell asleep? He would then fall off asleep, and the morning four o'clock he would wake up. Now with less enthusiasm, because he was drugged.He failed to control the mind. He would say give me the second hit, they would again jab an injection under his shoulder blade and give him some crystals to eat. That would keep him knocked off through the morning around 12:00 or so. Third time when he woke up whether he asked or not. They would give him the third hit in the early night. He would take some chemicals to bring himself, back into energy and go and give his performance on stage and then repeat this process his closest associates. When asked why does he do this? Said, he is so unhappy. He wishes to forget himself, that is why he does it here the example of someone who had so many blessings and yet his inner life was a miserable failure.Now contrast this with somebody who was his contemporary. This was a lady who most of you have heard of her name was Helen Keller. Helen Keller at the age of 18 months, she caught a virus as a result of it. She lost her sight and her hearing two of the five senses became dead. So from the age of one and a half years, till the age of six, little Helen Keller used to throw tantrums. She didn't have means to communicate when parents would touch her she would go into a tantrum. As a solution her mother took her to a school for the physically challenged and Sullivan was the principal of the school. She touched Helen Keller, and little Helen again threw a tantrum Hansole. Even told the mother leave her with me, tonight I will take care of her.So when the mother had gone and Sullivan placed little Helens left hand under the water faucet and with the right hand she drew indicated water for the first time in her life, little Helen understood that physical entities have designations or names a light went on inside her. She thrilled on this little bit of learning. She wanted to learn more that night, she learned the names of 30 objects.She has to control the mind.She continued to keep learning, she learned to Braille. She went on to become a graduate and started doing philanthropy around the world, as she became famous she desired to give lectures. So she wanted to learn how to speak, she did not know how to hear and yet she learned how to speak and she delivered lectures around the world. She lived till a ripe age and at the end, she said life has been so beautiful. I've enjoyed every single day see from one perspective, she had so much less than others and from another perspective. She had made her life success on these three parameters to feel good to think, good to do, good so to be successful internally and externally. God has bestowed all of us with many assets our body, our resources, our family, our social status, our set of skills and knowledge. Very often we sideline these, we underestimate these and we think I am NOT happy because of this-this-this. Do you know this guy doesn't behave properly? That's why I'm not happy, the situation is not exactly right for me. That is why I'm justified in having negative thoughts, God is not taking care of me so much. That is the problem, in other words, we do not know how to control the mind.We tend to rationalize for our negative thinking by blaming externals.If we do that we will never succeed in the art of mind management, we will never succeed in controlling the mind.Because the first step is to take responsibility for what I think, for what I feel, I am responsible I should not blame anybody else. I was once taking a walk in Delhi, I was crossing a bridge and I found a person in tattered clothes standing on the railing of the bridge.He seemed to be gathering his resolve to take a leap into the water, seeing what he is about to do. I screamed stop now, he hesitated and the moment was lost you. See people who are thinking of committing suicide, if they lose the moment, the thought process change as I jumped up he jumped down.

Happiness is in your mind

Happiness is in your mind

Happiness is in your mind:

Have you ever had the experience of getting into your car in the driver's seat, turning on the ignition switch and pressing the accelerator only to discover that, the car is not moving ahead, as expected and then you realize that, the handbrake has not been disengaged? Now with the handbrake engaged, if you had continued to press the accelerator it would have resulted in one of two consequences, either the brakes would overheat and have a meltdown or the engine would overload and have a breakdown. We need to check whether in life are emotional brakes are disengaged or not today on the first day of this Happiness challenge. I am going to discuss with you the first tool to manage our mind and thereby become a happier person, and what is that to disengage our emotions from the external situation. Very often the circumstances are not under our control. I'm reminded of a geologist, who went to survey the holy Ganga along with a map in his hand as he walked along in one place the map said the Ganga, should we're to the right but the Ganga was turning left would this man became frustrated. He threw the map and went from there saying, if the Ganga is not going to follow my map then it is useless. Now is that a proper expectation should the Ganga follow his map or should his map follow the Ganga in the same way. The world is as it is can, we not just shift our attitude a bit to make it happier two friends, having been in an accident together were admitted to the same ward of a hospital. Both were bedridden, but the first friend would be made to sick up for one hour every day to drain out the fluid from his lungs .During that time he would get to see outside the only window of that warrant, he would describe the wonderful garden outside with the migratory birds bathing in the fountain. That was at the center and the flowers blossoming on all sides and wonderful old ladies basking in the Sun hearing it. All the second friend's world would come alive, what a stark contrast to the dreary hospital environment .But then he began resenting, why does this guy get to have all the fun? why is God so unfair upon me? One night the first friend began coughing, it was a different kind of cough! As if he was choking the appropriate thing would have been to press the emergency Bell, but he could not think of it the second best thing would have been for his friend to press his emergency Bell and call the staff. But he was so full of hatred, he thought he is suffering good, he deserves it the first friend continued to cough for a little while and then all was quiet. In the morning the nurses discovered the dead body and removed it without much ado. The second person allowed a few days to go by to avoid any suspicion, then he made a request can my bed be moved close to the window? The nurses said that's fair enough, he was moved to the other side. He then requested, I am now reasonably well ! can I be made to sit for a little while ?They hoisted him up and he looked out of the window, and saw the stark wall of the nearby warehouse. He asked the hospital staff, what is this ? They said this is the warehouse next to our hospital. But he asked what was it ? That my friend was seeing they responded. That was the beauty of his own mind. The moral here is that, no circumstance can force us to be unhappy ! If we are gloomy, it is always a choice that we make and we can do to think differently let us exercise. The stool to make ourselves happier, when circumstances make us unhappy! Let us remember that, it is not the only option .We have we can as well choose to be joyous in other words nothing forces us to be miserable, it is only a choice that we make as the saying goes. Two men looked out from the prison bars, one saw the mud and the other saw the stars. We will continue this Happiness challenge and I wish to provide you to equip you ,with similarly powerful easily accessible internal resources without any need for external essence, to enhance your Happiness and the Happiness of people around you .There by making a happier world for all of us .

How to manage stress in life

How to manage stress in life


We all experience that our duties get affected by the moods. When the mood is off, the mood is not optimal, you can't perform well. If our mind could always be in an elevated, inspired, uplifted mood, we will naturally performed well. While you work, you experience there is tension, anxiety, fear, hankering, aversion,greed. All these negative emotions are present in the mind. They are impacting us and together they are creating STRESS. What is the STRESS? Today we are in the 21st century. The world has speeded up with mobile phones and pagers and SMS and whatsapp and viber and tweets. The speed of the world has increased, and the consequence is STRESS. While we have rapidly conquered new frontiers in science, when it comes to conquering the mind, humankind is at a stand still. Problems of the mind are ever increasing. We have harnessed external nature. But when it comes to internal nature, we are at a failure. Albert Einstein said science has succeeded in denaturing the plutonium atom but it is unable to denature the evil in man's hearts. How to conquer the mind? Science doesn't have a solution and hence STRESS has become a universal phenomenon. So what is STRESS? To an engineer, STRESS is the force in a machine part, in a beam, in a structure that tends to shear it, twist it, turn it, break it, bend it. We also experience STRESS in our emotional personality when we encounter the external world. When we were little children, we were hungry and our mother was not around. We experienced STRESS and cried. And as grown-ups, as factory manager, you experienced when your boss says the production is not up to the mark. Your job is under danger. The causes of STRESS are infinite. So let us try and figure out how spirituality can help us MANAGE STRESS? First of all understand that stressful situations are always there in the world. But our stressful response is the one that causes problems. Difficult situations will always be there in the world. Don't expect a world free from difficulties Once in a while people say, "for what reason does God give me challenges ?" " Some people go beyond, "if God is sending hardships then I don't believe in God. He should give me an easy life." But just think it the student who is studying all the year long, if he says teacher I don't want any tests. I will only study, no tests. The teacher will say, then how will you go into the next class? The test is there to help promote you to the next class. Similarly God deliberately has created a world with difficulties. It's not that there is a defect in his design. You know he wanted to create a perfect world but by chance the world has got earthquakes and cyclones and hurricanes. Is there a defect in his design? No. The Chandogyopanishad says, why did God allow earthquakes etc to be a part of nature? He could have changed the physical properties a little, so there would be no earthquakes. The Chandogyopanishad answers, He deliberately creates challenges so that people don't become complacent in their situation. The difficulty forces them to manifest their latent physical abilities, mental, psychological, emotional, spiritual abilities to face the challenge. That is how they grow.Now if you say, just remove it, then growth will be retarded. when God gives us difficulties, it's his way for filling up our wings so that we can fly high. But we look for somebody who can cut our cocoon, who can remove our difficulties and give us an easy life without realizing it is those difficulties that help us, prepare us for the flight ahead. Do any of you have difficult circumstances in your life? Everyone has. This is the nature of God's design. He says I want you to keep progressing. I will keep sending difficulties not to pull you down, to help you grow further and further and further so that one day we can become perfect. The Bible says be perfect. Even as your father in heaven is perfect. God wants us to reach that perfection where we are like him and he has arranged for difficulties. But in those difficulties, we should not become internally STRESSED. So the point to understand here is, hard work never STRESSES us. You can work from morning to night, and still be unstressed. What STRESSES us is attachment to results. When we are attached to results that is what STRESSES us out. If instead of being attached to the results, if you could focus on your effort, you will do a far greater and better job. That is the art of work. You have the right to do your work. Do it nicely, properly, with full focus. But don't be attached to the results. The results come for so many reasons: your present efforts, your past Karmas. Some people they do a little work, and get great results. Some people do great work they get little results. There's past Karmas , The efforts of others. Now if there's a job interview and fifty people have applied, one of them has to be selected. So the efforts of others as well the general karma of the whole place. An earthquake happened to come. what to do? The will of God, sheer chance. "You happen to be in an unlucky spot." So the results are not in your hands. Don't be be attached to them. You have the effort in your hands.You put in the effort. It will solve all the problems.

what is tension headache-headache meaning-types of headache

What is Tension Headache?   Tension Headache: is a headache lasts anywhere from thirty minutes to seven days it's usually on bo...